Minggu, 05 Agustus 2012

Android Apk ►Dashboard X 2.0.2 (2.0.2) iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch App

Dashboard X 2.0.2

Almost all famous Jailbreak and Cydia Tweaks get updated after some time because of some bugs. This timeDashboard X 2.0.2 has been released for iPhone and iPad. Dashboard X deb 2.0.2 has fixed the compatibility with some widgets. Dashboard X for iPhone has the compatibility with Unfold. As we inform you earlier about Unfold that makes your iPhone’s lock screen fold up. Dashboard X is the widgets system for your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. You can move widgets around, place them wherever you want even place widgets on either the home screen along with your icons or on your dashboard which you can invoke with Activator.

Dashboard X 225x300 Dashboard X 2.0.2 Deb Has Fixed Some Widgets Issues   Download

Dashboard X

Dashboard X 2.0.2 for iOS5.1.1 has fixed ‘X’ button would sometimes be very big. Dashboard X For iPhone 2.0.2 requires iOS 5 and compatible with a huge selection of already available notification center widgets. DashboardX deb enables you to place widgets on your dashboard or home screen. DashboardX for iOS 5 has the full support for existing notification center widgets. Many new changes in Dashboard X 2.0.2are given below.

Dashboard X 2.0.2 Changes

  • Fixes compatibility with some widgets (Favorite Contacts widget too)

Download Dashboard X 2.0.1-1
